Happy Halloween! Good news, THE LEGO MOVIE still looks like the best thing ever:
Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013
Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013
Well... it's still early yet, right?
I'm not sure what feels more low-rent/half-assed about this first DOFP trailer: Using both the "Sunshine" AND "The Thin Red Line" scores - the most overused trailer-music lifts outside of "Crimson Tide" and "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" - or having Wolverine spell out why it's stupid to send Wolverine on this mission (quantum-leaping back into his 1970s self to help the cast of "First Class" fight Tyrion Lannister's army of Transformers and presumably retcon "X3" and "Origins" further out of existence) for no other reason than "he's the popular one."
Hey - remember that part in "The Avengers" where everyone else just hung back and did nothing the whole time so the camera could focus on Iron Man because he's the money-shot? Oh, right... they didn't do that.
I'm sure it'll be just fine, but there's no shaking the sense that "First Class" was probably as good as this series was going to get while still moored to the first two Bryan Singer entries. With apologies to Singer... the guy was never cut-out to make blockbusters like this, and he probably wouldn't be doing them at all if the first "X-Men" hadn't been so surprisingly-not-shit-for-a-pre-"Spider-Man"-superhero-movie. Maybe he'll pull this one off, and better him than Ratner again, but still...
I'm not sure what feels more low-rent/half-assed about this first DOFP trailer: Using both the "Sunshine" AND "The Thin Red Line" scores - the most overused trailer-music lifts outside of "Crimson Tide" and "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story" - or having Wolverine spell out why it's stupid to send Wolverine on this mission (quantum-leaping back into his 1970s self to help the cast of "First Class" fight Tyrion Lannister's army of Transformers and presumably retcon "X3" and "Origins" further out of existence) for no other reason than "he's the popular one."
Hey - remember that part in "The Avengers" where everyone else just hung back and did nothing the whole time so the camera could focus on Iron Man because he's the money-shot? Oh, right... they didn't do that.
I'm sure it'll be just fine, but there's no shaking the sense that "First Class" was probably as good as this series was going to get while still moored to the first two Bryan Singer entries. With apologies to Singer... the guy was never cut-out to make blockbusters like this, and he probably wouldn't be doing them at all if the first "X-Men" hadn't been so surprisingly-not-shit-for-a-pre-"Spider-Man"-superhero-movie. Maybe he'll pull this one off, and better him than Ratner again, but still...
Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013
This year's (mostly complete) Halloween costume, as I continually checking off the list of "guys I maybe kinda look like in certain clothes" ...SGT. SLAUGHTER (G.I. Joe-era uniform, for you completists):
Basically, my physique is ideal for certain pre-WWII cartoon characters, certain early arcade characters and any heavyweight pro-wrestler from before the bodybuilding/steroid era. So there's that...
Basically, my physique is ideal for certain pre-WWII cartoon characters, certain early arcade characters and any heavyweight pro-wrestler from before the bodybuilding/steroid era. So there's that...
Well, This Looks Dissapointing...
...I'd say really dissapointing, but until this moment I'd completely forgotten they were even making this. Oh, well.
Are Mr. Peabody & Sherman really a property that "exists" for the audience this seems to be aimed at? They were probably the best remembered of the Rocky & Bullwinkle supporting features, but I feel like it's been a long time since reruns of that were any level of kiddie-TV staple. Nevermind that turning them into a spectacle-driven 3D movie largely misses the appeal of the various Jay Ward cartoons; which were minimally animated and relied on sharp, radio-style verbal comedy and intentionally groan-inducing puns for their laughs - hence why they outlasted so many of their 'toon contemporaries.
On the plus side, Rob Minkoff (late of "The Lion King,") has the director's chair, so that's something.
Are Mr. Peabody & Sherman really a property that "exists" for the audience this seems to be aimed at? They were probably the best remembered of the Rocky & Bullwinkle supporting features, but I feel like it's been a long time since reruns of that were any level of kiddie-TV staple. Nevermind that turning them into a spectacle-driven 3D movie largely misses the appeal of the various Jay Ward cartoons; which were minimally animated and relied on sharp, radio-style verbal comedy and intentionally groan-inducing puns for their laughs - hence why they outlasted so many of their 'toon contemporaries.
On the plus side, Rob Minkoff (late of "The Lion King,") has the director's chair, so that's something.
Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013
Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013
So it's Captain America versus Halliburton, basically. I can deal:
Wow, that looks really good - Captain America as a Marvel/American James Bond, or maybe a "Bourne" movie without its head up its ass. Just wish I could enjoy the Hellicarrier crashing over D.C. without having traumatic flashbacks to "Into Darkness."
It's odd that there isn't more dialogue laying out who and what is supposed to be going on (how many people are going to "get" that The Winter Soldier refers to the guy with the robot-arm?) but it looks like borrowing the broad strokes of Ed Brubaker's pre-"Civil War" books is a good solution to making the man-out-of-time angle work: Cap essentially fighting against post-9/11 paranoid/corrupt militarism is a nice way of stripping out the more discordant stuff ("um, Steve... didn't they still have Whites Only bathrooms in your day?") from the "WWII-era Good America returns to teach Modern America a lesson" angle that's built into the character.
I'm still not a fan of the drab new outfit, though, but compared to how cool the rest of this looks that's small potatoes - Batman has had a shitty costume in every single one of his eight theatrical movies and those average-out pretty decently (really, only Schumacher's second and Nolan's third are outright BAD films). Plus, I'm getting the sense it's a thematic thing along with the bigger plot. Post-"Avengers" S.H.I.E.L.D morphing into something evil (I want Robert Redford's obviously evil government/business guy to pull of his rubber "human" face to reveal The Red Skull, Baron Zemo or Arnim Zola in the worst way... but hat might read as kind of a mean joke from Redford's perspective - and yes, I know he's probably just Lukin from Brubaker's run) seems to be a big element of this, and Cap ditching "their" version of his uniform would be an easy symbolic moment for Act 3.
Plus, it looks very much like the guys we see him fighting in a version of the classic costume are wearing modern-day tactical gear - y'know what'd be great? If, since they're in D.C., he broke into the Smithsonian to steal the original or a replica thereof (leaving behind a very polite "sorry" note and some cash to cover the cost of the glass, of course.)
Wow, that looks really good - Captain America as a Marvel/American James Bond, or maybe a "Bourne" movie without its head up its ass. Just wish I could enjoy the Hellicarrier crashing over D.C. without having traumatic flashbacks to "Into Darkness."
It's odd that there isn't more dialogue laying out who and what is supposed to be going on (how many people are going to "get" that The Winter Soldier refers to the guy with the robot-arm?) but it looks like borrowing the broad strokes of Ed Brubaker's pre-"Civil War" books is a good solution to making the man-out-of-time angle work: Cap essentially fighting against post-9/11 paranoid/corrupt militarism is a nice way of stripping out the more discordant stuff ("um, Steve... didn't they still have Whites Only bathrooms in your day?") from the "WWII-era Good America returns to teach Modern America a lesson" angle that's built into the character.
I'm still not a fan of the drab new outfit, though, but compared to how cool the rest of this looks that's small potatoes - Batman has had a shitty costume in every single one of his eight theatrical movies and those average-out pretty decently (really, only Schumacher's second and Nolan's third are outright BAD films). Plus, I'm getting the sense it's a thematic thing along with the bigger plot. Post-"Avengers" S.H.I.E.L.D morphing into something evil (I want Robert Redford's obviously evil government/business guy to pull of his rubber "human" face to reveal The Red Skull, Baron Zemo or Arnim Zola in the worst way... but hat might read as kind of a mean joke from Redford's perspective - and yes, I know he's probably just Lukin from Brubaker's run) seems to be a big element of this, and Cap ditching "their" version of his uniform would be an easy symbolic moment for Act 3.
Plus, it looks very much like the guys we see him fighting in a version of the classic costume are wearing modern-day tactical gear - y'know what'd be great? If, since they're in D.C., he broke into the Smithsonian to steal the original or a replica thereof (leaving behind a very polite "sorry" note and some cash to cover the cost of the glass, of course.)
Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013
Does Captain America Have ANOTHER New Costume in "THE WINTER SOLDIER?"
Below is (sigh) the teaser for the trailer for "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER," the actual trailer for which should be hitting the web sometime Thursday. There's little of note to be seen, save for small details like a Washington D.C. setting, the presence of Nick Fury and Black Widow sporting her third new haircut in as many movies...
...except that bit at 0:10, which appears to show Cap wearing a uniform that's different from the odd-looking all-blue number that had been teased for the film previously. - but is also not the same as either of his prior getups. So what's the deal?
At firs glance, it looks like he's just wearing his WWII era uniform - which would imply that this is a flashback. But it's not precisely the same gear: The fabric is different, for one thing, but most obviously the torso has an extra red stripe in the center which the "First Avenger" costume lacked - it looks like a hybrid between the WWII and "Avengers"-era looks, which is fine by me.
Presumably, we'll get a better sense of what might be up from the full trailer whenever they decide to put it up.
...except that bit at 0:10, which appears to show Cap wearing a uniform that's different from the odd-looking all-blue number that had been teased for the film previously. - but is also not the same as either of his prior getups. So what's the deal?
At firs glance, it looks like he's just wearing his WWII era uniform - which would imply that this is a flashback. But it's not precisely the same gear: The fabric is different, for one thing, but most obviously the torso has an extra red stripe in the center which the "First Avenger" costume lacked - it looks like a hybrid between the WWII and "Avengers"-era looks, which is fine by me.
Presumably, we'll get a better sense of what might be up from the full trailer whenever they decide to put it up.

Also, the placement in the middle of the cargo door forms a subliminal "A," so that's fun. The geographic placement of those D.C. landmarks looks a little... "off," though, right?
Is anyone taking odds on whether any of the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" characters will turn up here? It feels more appropriate than were they to pop up in "Thor," and Cap gets name-checked on the show more often than the other Avengers (so far.) I'd enjoy that, it'd be like when The Lone Gunmen were in the "X-Files" movie - except, y'know, somebody would give a shit.
ANCHORMAN 2 Trailer Inspires Less Confidence Than It Should
Oh, don't get me wrong - this is funny... but so far it seems like the only thing the "ANCHORMAN 2" trailers are selling is more scenes of The News Team dicking around, which was only one of the components that made the original so worthwhile.
Also, while I'm glad to see that Christina Applegate is back as Veronica and part of the story, it feels like a reduced role or even a cameo - which is disappointing.
I understand the probable logic - this sequel seems to be about Ron dealing poorly with race the same way he dealt poorly with feminism in the original, so a new character has effectively taken Veronica's role - but I think people underestimate how important her part (the supposed "straight-man" whose just as nuts as everyone else) was to the chemistry that made the film work.
Also, while I'm glad to see that Christina Applegate is back as Veronica and part of the story, it feels like a reduced role or even a cameo - which is disappointing.
I understand the probable logic - this sequel seems to be about Ron dealing poorly with race the same way he dealt poorly with feminism in the original, so a new character has effectively taken Veronica's role - but I think people underestimate how important her part (the supposed "straight-man" whose just as nuts as everyone else) was to the chemistry that made the film work.
Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013
Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013
G.O v G.T.A V
For those who don't regularly peruse The Other Blog (I wonder if I should fold the two into one thing... by which I mean I wonder how much Adsense revenue would I actually be giving up) the most recent episode of GAME OVERTHINKER went up last week.
It's about GTA V, and since we're still sixteen days out from the release of Hardcore Gaming's next obligatory AAA money-printing aparatus that means GTA V is still theoretically a relevant topic of conversation for... sixteen more days, pretty much. So enjoy.
P.S. There's also a lower-quality YouTube version.
It's about GTA V, and since we're still sixteen days out from the release of Hardcore Gaming's next obligatory AAA money-printing aparatus that means GTA V is still theoretically a relevant topic of conversation for... sixteen more days, pretty much. So enjoy.
P.S. There's also a lower-quality YouTube version.
Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013
Escape to The Movies: CARRIE (2013)
No good. But you knew that.
Intermission has Fifth Estate, which I did not object to, which of course means I'm part of the global corporate/military/Freemason conspiracy to smear the benevolent and just Julian Assange. Oh, well.
Intermission has Fifth Estate, which I did not object to, which of course means I'm part of the global corporate/military/Freemason conspiracy to smear the benevolent and just Julian Assange. Oh, well.
Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013
Told You Zack Snyder Could Make Something Great Out of SUPERMAN...
...he just needed the guiding hand of someone who actually likes and/or "gets" the material. For "Man of Steel," he had the Nolan Bros., and we saw how that turned out. But here he was working in-tandem with Bruce Timm, for decades steward of the yet-to-be-equaled DC Animated Universe; and the resulting "75 Years of Superman" short is pretty incredible...
...for the most part. There's still a palpable sense of deflation as we segue into the egregiously awful-looking "New 52" Superman on the way to MOS Superman, who somehow looks even more dull and dour as a cartoon. Also, I'm sorry - it's kind of bullshit that Brandon Routh (and Dean Cain!) don't make the cut but Red/Blue "Electric" Superman does; although who could've predicted that one day those two and "Mullet" Superman wouldn't be the most depressing/embarassing thing in a video like this?
...for the most part. There's still a palpable sense of deflation as we segue into the egregiously awful-looking "New 52" Superman on the way to MOS Superman, who somehow looks even more dull and dour as a cartoon. Also, I'm sorry - it's kind of bullshit that Brandon Routh (and Dean Cain!) don't make the cut but Red/Blue "Electric" Superman does; although who could've predicted that one day those two and "Mullet" Superman wouldn't be the most depressing/embarassing thing in a video like this?
Always Bet On Neeson
The last 11 seconds of this trailer for "NON-STOP" (summary: A locked-room murder mystery on a plane but with a bomb and also Taken is there) represented one of the most thrillingly-stupid "money shots" in an action trailer in years.
This man was nominated for an Oscar. For "Schindler's List."
This man was nominated for an Oscar. For "Schindler's List."
Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013
Start Digging, S.H.I.E.L.D. Fans
Courtesy Twitter user @robtrench, here's a hi-res snap of Agent Coulson's memorabilia shelf from last night's 4th episode of AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (no, I do not consider this any kind of "spoiler"), which seems to have been assembled for the specific purpose of having fans look over it for clues about... whatever. Click it for the full-size and have at it, kiddies.
It's funny, I was joking in week 2 when I floated my crazy fanboy theory that "the twist" with Coulson might be that he's actually been Jim Hammond all along... but some of this stuff does look pretty old and random. Those two stone tablets are certainly interesting, anybody recognize them (or what era that pilot's helmet might be from?
It's funny, I was joking in week 2 when I floated my crazy fanboy theory that "the twist" with Coulson might be that he's actually been Jim Hammond all along... but some of this stuff does look pretty old and random. Those two stone tablets are certainly interesting, anybody recognize them (or what era that pilot's helmet might be from?
Senin, 14 Oktober 2013
HERCULES (not the Rock one) Trailer
Because... because, you're getting two different Hercules movies this coming year; one directed by Renny Harlin (remember when he was interesting?) which features B-movie martial arts star Scott Adkins (yay!) but NOT as Hercules (boo!); the other featuring The Rock (yay!) but directed by Brett Ratner (boo!).
This is the trailer for the Harlin version, which looks like one of those YouTube "fan-trailers" made out of other movies. Have fun picking out which shots/scenes/compositions/etc were taken from "300," "The Hobbit," "Gladiator" (the film doesn't seem to grasp that Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome were two different places and eras in history) "Troy," "Immortals," etc.
This is the trailer for the Harlin version, which looks like one of those YouTube "fan-trailers" made out of other movies. Have fun picking out which shots/scenes/compositions/etc were taken from "300," "The Hobbit," "Gladiator" (the film doesn't seem to grasp that Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome were two different places and eras in history) "Troy," "Immortals," etc.
Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013
Yo Ho
Below, a trailer for Michael Bay's (producer) new cable series, BLACK SAILS, which is about pirates.
Technically this has been up since SDCC, but it's back in the news this weekend as Starz has gone and ordered up a full two seasonsto start even though the series has yet to debut. The last time Starz was that confident in a series it was Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert's SPARTACUS, which the network is hoping SAILS will be a ratings replacement for.
Technically this has been up since SDCC, but it's back in the news this weekend as Starz has gone and ordered up a full two seasonsto start even though the series has yet to debut. The last time Starz was that confident in a series it was Sam Raimi and Rob Tapert's SPARTACUS, which the network is hoping SAILS will be a ratings replacement for.
Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013
Seriously, though - how GOOD does this look?
A major-release, big-star movie in 2013 about how saving art and culture is every bit as important as saving people. A we used to make fun of George Clooney...
A major-release, big-star movie in 2013 about how saving art and culture is every bit as important as saving people. A we used to make fun of George Clooney...
Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013
"I, Frankenstein" has sounded a bit like a joke since it was announced, but I've got to say the trailer has style to spare - it looks like the exact sort of "bad" movie I often like right away, then everyone else likes "ironically" about five years later. Plus, it seems like an interesting use of Aaron Eckhart, who has that weird thing going on where he looks extremely handsome but also somehow unplaceably "strange" at the same time.
The early pitch, Frankenstein's Monster getting involved with "a war between two immortal clans" sounded a bit derivative of "Underworld" (Kevin Grevioux co-created both franchises); but the fact that it looks like the "clans" are what appear to be literal Angels and a bunch of guys making more Frankenstein Monsters has nifty implications: Is this God versus Science Playing God, and maybe the "God" side are bad guys or just-as-bag guys? That I'd like to see.
The early pitch, Frankenstein's Monster getting involved with "a war between two immortal clans" sounded a bit derivative of "Underworld" (Kevin Grevioux co-created both franchises); but the fact that it looks like the "clans" are what appear to be literal Angels and a bunch of guys making more Frankenstein Monsters has nifty implications: Is this God versus Science Playing God, and maybe the "God" side are bad guys or just-as-bag guys? That I'd like to see.
Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013
Escape to The Movies: GRAVITY
Well! I've certainly had a busy weekend so far. Belatedly, here's the GRAVITY review.
ALSO: "South Park" as a Gated Community.
ALSO: "South Park" as a Gated Community.
Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013
Escapist Expo LIVE STREAM
Hey folks. Escape to The Movies should be up in the regular place and time later today, though I'll be otherwise engaged to post it here on the blog(s). Either way, here's the live-stream of the main panel theater from The Escapist Expo.
My appearance schedule as of now looks like this (all times EST):
3pm Friday - Q&A
9am Saturday - "I'M MAD ABOUT X"
10:30am Saturday - PS4/WiiU/XBox speculation/debate
3pm Saturday - Q&A
4:30pm Saturday - NO RIGHT ANSWER Escapists Debate
6:30pm Saturday - COSPLAY CONTEST (I'm a judge)
1:30pm Sunday - Top 5 Geek Movies of 2013
3pm Sunday - Q&A
My appearance schedule as of now looks like this (all times EST):
3pm Friday - Q&A
9am Saturday - "I'M MAD ABOUT X"
10:30am Saturday - PS4/WiiU/XBox speculation/debate
3pm Saturday - Q&A
4:30pm Saturday - NO RIGHT ANSWER Escapists Debate
6:30pm Saturday - COSPLAY CONTEST (I'm a judge)
1:30pm Sunday - Top 5 Geek Movies of 2013
3pm Sunday - Q&A
Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013
We basically didn't hear a damn thing about this most recent reboot of the Jack Ryan franchise ever since they locked the cast and started shooting. That's not a great sign, but there also wasn't any word of anything going "wrong" with the production - so it's likely that the film is simply just as milquetoast, generic and middling as it looks in this first trailer, which was only just now released. Did they figure that Tom Clancy's death at 66 was the last and only chance they were going to get at people being somewhat interested in this project?
This one was directed by Kenneth Brannagh (now, amusingly, billed as "THE DIRECTOR OF THOR!"), who will next helm the live-action "Cinderella" for Disney. Looks like somebody liked that taste of studio-blockbuster honey when they finally got it. I'd like to know who told Chris Pine this was a good career bet, though - "Sexy Young Replacement Reboot Guy" isn't something you'd want to be typecast as, lest your name turn into a punchline about movie reboots ("They're doin' King Kong again. Chris Pine will be the monkey.")
To be honest, it could look A LOT worse... but am I the only one who can't summon up anything beyond a giant bucket of WHO CARES? What about this is supposed to look like anything other than a weaksauce copy of stuff we've already seen in "Bourne," the recent Bonds, etc? It doesn't even look as novel a variation on Clancy-esque right-wing paranoia-porn as "24" was over a decade ago.
This one was directed by Kenneth Brannagh (now, amusingly, billed as "THE DIRECTOR OF THOR!"), who will next helm the live-action "Cinderella" for Disney. Looks like somebody liked that taste of studio-blockbuster honey when they finally got it. I'd like to know who told Chris Pine this was a good career bet, though - "Sexy Young Replacement Reboot Guy" isn't something you'd want to be typecast as, lest your name turn into a punchline about movie reboots ("They're doin' King Kong again. Chris Pine will be the monkey.")
To be honest, it could look A LOT worse... but am I the only one who can't summon up anything beyond a giant bucket of WHO CARES? What about this is supposed to look like anything other than a weaksauce copy of stuff we've already seen in "Bourne," the recent Bonds, etc? It doesn't even look as novel a variation on Clancy-esque right-wing paranoia-porn as "24" was over a decade ago.
Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013
Yes, I'm still onboard. How thrilled does Orlando Bloom look to be back in this? "Good news, guys! Apparently I still exist!"
WONDER WOMAN Fan Trailer Does It Right
Fun Fact: In the actual movie business, shorts like this (re: semi-narrative 'demo-reels' for treatments of an existing property) get produced all the time as a way for a filmmaker to pitch their project (or why they'd be good for a specific project.) It's called "Proof Of Concept."
This isn't that - this is a "Proof We Can Do Big FX/Action On a Budget" from Rainfall Films (that's Rileah Vanderbilt, wife of "Frozen" and "Hatchet" helmer Adam Green as Diana). But if it were... I can certainly imagine WORSE ways to try and get Warner Bros. to pull the trigger on this franchise. "Girl Thor by way of '300" might be a bit on the literal side - or maybe "make it look like how Zack Snyder might do it..." was the goal - and it feels one dramatic can-opening away from being a Mountain Dew SuperBowl ad, granted; but if I'm Warner Bros. this is a movie I'd want on my schedule.
This isn't that - this is a "Proof We Can Do Big FX/Action On a Budget" from Rainfall Films (that's Rileah Vanderbilt, wife of "Frozen" and "Hatchet" helmer Adam Green as Diana). But if it were... I can certainly imagine WORSE ways to try and get Warner Bros. to pull the trigger on this franchise. "Girl Thor by way of '300" might be a bit on the literal side - or maybe "make it look like how Zack Snyder might do it..." was the goal - and it feels one dramatic can-opening away from being a Mountain Dew SuperBowl ad, granted; but if I'm Warner Bros. this is a movie I'd want on my schedule.
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